The main purpose of the 1715 Fleet maps is to provide a record of what artifacts have been found, where they were found, and when they were found, matching artifact tags with locations. This information is used by the lease holders to determine where to look next, and as a key tool in managing the artifact inventory. The maps are also a tool that can be used by contractors to determine where they might excavate on the wrecks themselves. To these ends the maps give symbolic reference by latitude/longitude along with quantity and types of artifacts through the use of attributes. The main utility of DigFindR is its ability to:

  • Present attributes in a data table
  • Search attributes by filter routines
  • Select attributes in the data table by filter
  • Sort attributes in the data table by filter or column
  • Count attributes in the data table by filter
  • Isolate records in the data table by filter or row selection
  • Export selected records to CSV files
  • Cast symbols into the map individually, or en mass
  • Build entire sets of excavation layers in a map
  • Annotate symbols in the map

The data table used is called the Data Utility. Once the data table is populated with attribute data, selected data can be saved to text files as the user desires, and those files can be further utilized in a tool called the Point List Dialog where extracted attributes may be re-cast into the map using symbols, labels, and colors of the user's own choosing.

Both the Data Utility and the Point List Dialog provide the user with the ability to GOTO any excavation in the map by selecting any row/record in the table/list, and clicking on the GOTO button.