What's your story?

What We Do

sample imageSignum Ops assists authors in the production of books and other media, particularly for the 'Print On Demand' or POD markets, as well as the emerging eBook media marketplace. We have the pleasure of representing a number of accomplished professionals who have a story to tell as a result of many years in their respective fields.

While we have produced an array of titles dealing with treasure, salvage, and shipwrecks, we also have produced children's books, archaeological monographs, software and software documentation, poetry, novels, policy manuals, dive travelogues, and military history books.

Routinely, Signum Ops does the layout, cover, indexing, certain illustration work, proofing and editing of any ventured title for a flat fee. While we no longer produce books under our own imprint, we can assist you in the setup of an account with CreateSpace, and basically provide you with a complete source file, ready for production/printing.

Our Vendors



Standard Products Built to Industry Standards

sample imageSignum Ops publications are compiled using Adobe Acrobat Standard Edition and InDesign CS5 to guarantee compliance with print industry reproduction guidelines. All fonts are embedded prior to submission of any manuscript to the printer.

Digital Rights Management is applied to any eBook sold as a Signum Ops production.

Reseller Discounts

Resellers may buy books from Signum Ops at discount rates that vary with quantity. Certain resellers are also eligible to buy at direct discount rates from Amazon.