DigFindR is loaded with several tools to aid your navigation within the 1715 Fleet Maps in real time, or off-line. There are several methods provided to measure distance, several ways to establish your location by coordinates, and several ways to determine directions. Typical mathematical tools used by navigators are on hand as well as the means to find locations in the maps by searching for text strings. The principal tool set includes:

  1. The GPS Dialog, which is a direct interface to a Global Positioning System receiver, allows you to find your exact location in the Map Window via GPS signals.

  1. The Fix Dialog is a tool that's used translate between coordinate notations of Latitude and Longitude as well as derivative notation in other coordinate systems.

  1. The Manual Plotting Tool is used to set lines on distinct compass bearings or inverse compass bearings, and determine position by Sextant bearings.

  1. There are several Position Markup tools activated by keystrokes from the keyboard, or via menu choices.