The Button Bar contains buttons that can be used to perform functions that are otherwise activated by menu choices or Hot Keys at the keyboard.

  Click on this button to open a file.

 Click on this button to open the Recent File Dialog. This provides you with a list of the Most Recently Used files for loading into the Map Window.

 Click on this button to save the current drawing in the Map Window.

 Click on this button to open the Save File Dialog. This provides you with the opportunity to save the current drawing in the Map Window to a new location, or with a new filename.

Click on this button to copy the currently selected entity(s) to memory. From the keyboard you can also use the Ctrl+C Hot Key Combination.

 Click on this button to cut the currently selected entity(s) to memory. From the keyboard you can also use the Ctrl+X Hot Key Combination.

Click on this button to paste the previously copied or cut entity(s) back into the drawing. From the keyboard you can also use the Ctrl+V Hot Key Combination.

 Click on this button to UNDO the last command/operation in the Map Window. From the keyboard you can also use the Ctrl+Z Hot Key Combination.

 Click on this button to REDO the last UNDO, thereby reversing any changes. From the keyboard you can also use the Ctrl+Y Hot Key Combination.

 Click on this button to Zoom Out to the maximum extent of the drawing in the Map Window.

 Click on this button to use the Dynamic Zoom View function. You set the opposing extents of a rectangle to center the Zoom View in the Map Window.

 Click on this button to return to the previous Zoom View.

 Click on this button to Zoom View the currently selected entity(s).

 Click on this button to activate the GPS interface.

 Click on this button to use the Distance Measurement tool.

 Click on this button to activate the Layers Dialog.

 Click on this button to use the Layers Order tool.

 Click on this button to use the Scale Dialog.

 Click on this button to use the Fix Dialog.

 Click on this button to use the Manual Plotting Dialog tool.

 Click on this button to activate the Data Utility window, or restore it to regular size if it has been minimized to the Windows Status Bar.

  Click on this button to activate the Point List Dialog tool.

 Click on this button to erase the current layer of the drawing.

 Click on this button to purge the current drawing of all deleted objects. Only do this if you are certain you do not need to restore deleted entity(s) in the future.

 Click on this button to use the Map Window Snapshot tool.

Be aware that you can also Unselect an entity by double-clicking on any empty portion of the Button Bar.  You can also restore the Pick Box to your cursor using this method.